On Tuesday morning, the U.S. President (Mr. Donald Trump) compared the impeachment process with “a lynching”. Impeachment is a process in which the President of the country is removed by the people of Parliament. If a charge of misconduct is made against political leaders, then only the impeachment process takes place.
If someday, the Democrats become President and the Republicans win the house even with a tiny margin, they can easily impeach the president. Donald Trump twitted this on the internet. He also wrote that all the Republicans are only witnessing here a lynching. But we are the ones who are going to win.
This tweet of U.S. President came with a series of other people tweets. There were so many tweets that were discussing the polling on impeachment. Whereas some were discussing former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
In September, the Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz in a tweet referred a democratic outcry about Trump’s conversation. Therefore, on the other hand, Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky sparked the impeachment inquire according to himself. He sparked this impeachment inquiry as “a lynch mob”. Therefore, the U.S. President’s reaction to this tweet was very much swift and silent.
A top Democrat, House majority on Tuesday, says that there is one word that no President can apply on himself. An American African Democratic Congressman Rep. Bobby Rush of Illinois said something on all this. Bobby Rush said that there are no historical connotations of such a word. He further reacted and said, “Do you even know how many people look like they have been lynched”. He further said that there are so many people who have been lynched since the inception of the country. After all, this Rush also tweeted that what the hell is this going on?
Everybody is in conflict regarding this tweet of Trump. Hence, lynching is not a relic of a painful past. It is a present and pernicious evil that we are having yet to face or confront. Therefore, this is a statement by Booker.
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