“The Hypocrisy of Indian’s Racism,” by Magneto

Posted on the 23 April 2017 by Calvinthedog

The Hypocrisy of Indian’s Racism

by Magneto

I’ve come to the conclusion that the majority of Indians are evil-hearted people. An African friend of mine was telling me that he believes that Indians do not have a soul. He believes that God made a mistake when he created Indians or that perhaps it was some Satanic force which created Indians.

We’ve all seen how Indians whine about racism and are constantly trying to play the race card. Indians are the most hypocritical people on this planet. In the past few weeks, many Nigerians and other African students living in India have been attacked by mobs of Indians. It’s gotten so bad that the African student groups in India are demanding that their African countries cut off all diplomatic ties with India.

I know a few Africans, and they are very nice people. They are far better people than any Indian. Why are Indians so racist towards Africans? Because Indians believe that all Africans are engaged in drug trade, prostitution, or violent crime. This is absolutely false. None of the Africans I know are involved in selling drugs, and as far as I know they don’t even use marijuana, not to mention any other drug.

The root cause of this is of course Hinduism, a religion that teaches that dark skin means you are of low character and that white skin means you are of high character. There are many quotes in the Vedas to this effect.

Indians are simply the most evil, vile, disgusting race of people on this planet. They literally have zero good qualities. India is such an absolute shithole that it makes Africa look like a First World country by comparison. I encourage all Africans to take revenge against Indians living in Africa and demand that they go back to India. Why should Africa allow Indians to live there when Indians treat Africans so badly? I also encourage all African students living in India to simply leave India. Sorry, but the country is no longer safe for you. Indians are primitive savage barbarians, and it is no place for any tourist or foreigner to live. Boycott India, refuse to do business with any Indian, and cut off all diplomatic ties with India.

Indians are truly the spawn of Satan. Deeply evil people.