The Hydrangea Saga - By Rachel

By Millerweddings @phoebewedding


As it is a Wednesday, we are with Rachel today who by the sounds of it has been a wedding planning daemon this week! Over to Rachel...

Last weekend, I traveled to London to meet a group of other 2012 brides-to-be. We spent the day drinking cocktails, putting our creative skills to good use (or in my case getting paint everywhere), getting glammed up thanks to hair and make up gurus and prancing around in wedding dresses. It was exactly what I needed to kick start my enthusiasm for wedding planning again. I'll admit that I've been a bit downbeat about it all over the last couple of months. I think a lot of that was down to my time being completely taken over by other things, but also I think I had a little bit of wedding burnout from doing too much too soon and I overloaded my brain with to-do lists and pretty things.
After the weekend I was determined to get back into things and it really helped speaking to other brides about the issues I was having, from suppliers to guest lists and hair styles for the day itself. I literally do not know how people plan a whole wedding without the support from other brides. Our friends and family (well, the majority of them) are excited about our wedding too and will ask questions about how it's going and offer help where they think I need it - and quite often, where I don't need it too. But it's our wedding not theirs, so sometimes they're bound to get fed up and I'm really careful not to talk about it too much with them. I think we all go through the excitement stage at the start of our engagement where it's all you want to talk about and you're throwing around all manner of ideas to anyone within a 5 mile radius but that's not really sustainable for them, or you! Being able to talk honestly about the issues I was facing with other people who were dealing with the same thing was a complete breath of fresh air. Noone thought you were too stubborn by not inviting your cousins' myriad of children and noone said you were silly for being frustrated that your favorite flower just isn't available in the color you'd set your heart on. 
So following that weekend, I sat on the train back to Leeds with a big long list of things to tackle. And, after a big gossipy dinner party with Phoebe and Nat, I'm finally getting somewhere. 
- The invites have been printed and they are gorgeous. This week's job is to address all the envelopes and get them sent out. I do hope the postman is gentle with them.
- I decided on flowers. Well, I say I decided because I did. It just so happens that I've changed my mind again just yesterday after reading Phoebe's dahlia post. So perhaps I should delete this point?
- Confirmed our menu and itinary with the venue's wedding coordinator. Who informed me last night that she will be leaving before our wedding. I'm slightly hyperventilating about this as she has kept me cool(er), calm(er) and collected(er ?!) throughout this whole process.
There are so many things still to do - so much so that my list is spanning page upon page of my stripy planning notebook. But I'm getting there and I'm back in the swing of things which I suppose is all that matters. For now.
I'm still slightly frustrated that hydrangeas don't come in yellow though. *pout*

It all starts coming together in the end hey? The more things you tick of the to do list the better you will feel, believe me!