the Holocaust After-Party

By Gldmeier @gldmeier
World leaders and dignitaries are coming to Israel for some sort of holocaust conference hosted by Yad Vashem. Ok. Nice. I hope they learn a lot and develop sensitivity to anti-semitism and fascism and whatever the goals of the conference are.
Some are upset about a party being hosted by the mayor of Jerusalem, Moshe Lion, for the dignitaries and other invitees. Here is a copy of the invitation:

Some are upset that this party is happening. They consider it distasteful and inappropriate.
I see nothing wrong with it. People are coming from abroad. Just because they are spending the day learning about the Holocaust does not mean they cannot have other events at other times. As long as the party is tasteful and not holocaust-themed, I do not see a problem. I think it is good to show foreigners a good time when they are here and not just talk about death and holocaust and whatnot. This seems to be separate from the Holocaust event during the day, and Lion is taking advantage of free time in the schedule to host a party and keep them busy and bring some interest to the city of Jerusalem...
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