The History of Artificial Intelligence

Posted on the 20 August 2022 by Techgape @TechGapeIndia

In today’s digital era, everyone can see how Artificial Intelligence is changing our lives drastically and making this world a super comfortable place to live in. Driverless cars, advanced unmanned machines, robots, super jets/rockets, voice assistants, fastest recommendations, online helplines, etc., are a few examples of Artificial intelligence that explain AI techniques well. In fact, these technologies are powering the 4th industrial revolution. Ai technologies are gaining popularity day by day as it helps organizations to make better decisions. It also improves core business processes by increasing both the accuracy and speed of strategic decision-making processes.
Artificial Intelligence technologies are a great asset to humans because they are designed to reduce the human workload as much as possible. They have made machines and systems think/work on a whole new level where they outsmart humans with their cognitive abilities and smartness. Conversely, it provides maximum possible benefits when AI technologies like Robotics and Integration are combined with IoT devices.
AI technologies are famous for learning, adapting, and performing in a faster way than human efforts. The growing importance of Ai technologies of AI tools and techniques has enhanced the demand for skilled and certified professionals who can handle AI job requirements smoothly. Thus there is an increased demand also for Artificial Intelligence course in Pune and other cities that can help candidates land their careers in this evolving domain.
In this article, we are going to know about the history of Artificial Intelligence that can help us understand the value of AI technologies.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Simply, Intelligence is not human-related and is completely machine-based, known as artificial Intelligence. So, AI refers to any human-like act displayed by machines or systems. AI techniques enable computers to mimic human behavior using a huge amount of data from past examples of similar behavior. Thus, it can analyze an extensive amount of data in the blink of an eye and can solve problems easily through supervised, unsupervised, and reinforced learning.
In other words, Artificial intelligence is an important branch of computer science focused on creating smart machines capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence. There are four types of artificial intelligence being used in organizations and industries; Reactive Machines, Limited Memory, Theory of Mind, and Self- Awareness. Artificial Intelligence techniques are changing our lives with advanced innovations like email spam filters, Netflix’s recommendations, Robo-advisors, self-driving cars, smart voice assistants (Alexa, Siri), etc. So, it is clear that if we are using any online service, we are using AI techniques that are available with few clicks on our fingertips. Let us know from where it has come and who is the founder of this technology.

History of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is not a new word in today’s advanced technological world for researchers as well as people around. In fact, it is much older than you could imagine. At a glance, with the following chart, we can see the year-by-year growth of Artificial intelligence in a frame.
In the beginning line, we can say that the history of artificial intelligence began in antiquity. It involves many stories, myths, and rumors of artificial beings endowed with consciousness or intelligence by master craftsmen. Some of the myths are of Mechanical men in Ancient Greek and Egyptian Myths.

Machines Can Think!

Can Machines Think? Machines can think is the main thought of artificial intelligence, came into the human mind in the first half of the 20th century when science fiction was about to familiarize the entire world with the concept of artificially intelligent robots. “Heartless” tin man from the Wizard of Oz and the humanoid robot that impersonated Maria in Metropolis were a few examples of the beginning of advanced artificial intelligence machines. With the following lines, how has artificial intelligence got matured and had continuous growth?

Early Years of Artificial intelligence

It was the year 1943 When artificial intelligence was recognized by Warren McCulloch, and Walter pits proposed a model of artificial neurons.
In the year 1949, Donald Hebb updated and demonstrated the rule to modify the connection strength between multiple neurons. Later his rules were known as Hebbian learning.
Later in the year 1950, English Mathematician Alan Turing published “Computing Machinery and Intelligence,” which proposed a test that could check the machine’s ability to represent intelligent behavior which was equivalent to human intelligence, called a Turing test.
Years When Artificial Intelligence gets started Practically
It was the great year of 1955 when Herbert A. Simon and Allen Newell introduced the first ever artificial intelligence program, “Logic Theorist,” which proved 38 of 52 mathematics theorems and found some new proofs for some specific theorems.
In terms of practical experience, John McCarthy adopted artificial intelligence at the Dartmouth Conference, in the year 1956. It was the time when AI entered the academic field.

Years when Artificial Intelligence Boosts up

After entering the academic field, In the year 1966, the golden period of Artificial Intelligence had begun. It was an important time when researchers developed algorithms that could solve mathematical problems. This year only the first Chatbot was created by Joseph Weizenbaum, which is known as ALIZA.
After a few years in the year 1972, the most awaited invention came into the picture which was an intelligent humanoid robot built in Japan known as WABOT-1.

Down Time

In the later years of 1974-1980 was the downtime for artificial intelligence known as the first AI Winter. It refers to the time period when scientists and researchers dealt with a severe shortage of funding from governments for AI research, growth, and development. Interest in publicity on AI also decreased during that time.

Boom Time

After AI Winter time in the year 1980, progress was seen with the “Expert System” that was programmed to make decisions the same as humans make. It took a step ahead with the first national conference of the American Association of Artificial Intelligence held at Stanford University in the same year.

Again Down Time

Now it was the time of the second AI Winter held in the years between 1987-1993, when the government and investors stopped funding again for AI research due to high cost.

Real-Time of Intelligence

The years between 1993-2011 are known as the real intelligence years of artificial intelligence when it got emerged with intelligent agents. For example, the computer winning the chess championship ( 1997), the launching of Roomba, a vacuum cleaner ( 2002), and the commercial use of AI techniques by organizations like Facebook, Twitter, Netflix, etc. ( 2006).

Time of Advance Innovations

From the year 2011 till now, we are experiencing the advanced innovations of Artificial intelligence in our daily routine life.
In the year 2011, IBM’s Watson won a quiz show (jeopardy),
In the year 2012, Google launched an Android app, “Google Now.”
In the year 2014 “Eugene Goostman,” a chatbot, won a Turing test competition.
In the year 2018, IBM’s “Project Debater” performed very well on difficult topics with two master debaters.
Till now, there are several high-tech examples we can see and experience in our lives. Netflix recommendations, driverless cars, voice assistants (Alexa, Siri), fraud detectors, mobile filters, and high-tech cameras are a few examples of advanced AI technologies that have reached us through a long process in passing years. So, we can say that Artificial Intelligence has developed to a remarkable level; of course, many more are yet to come.
So just wait and watch how AI can surprise us with something new and refreshing.