The 'hear and See No Evil' Merchants in Gaza - Except Israeli Evil, of Course!

By Davidduff

I mentioned in an earlier post my suspicions concerning our so-called 'free press' and their collusion with the Hamas thugs sent to 'mind' them as they filmed in Gaza, now I have confirmation straight from the horse's arse, the Hamas Information Agency via The Times of Israel:

In an interview with Lebanon’s al-Mayadeen TV on Thursday, relayed and translated Friday by the Middle East Media Research Institute, the head of foreign relations in Hamas’s Information Ministry, Isra Al-Mudallal, complained that “the coverage by foreign journalists in the Gaza Strip was insignificant compared to their coverage within the Israeli occupation (Israel).”

“Moreover,” she said, “the journalists who entered Gaza were fixated on the notion of peace and on the Israeli narrative.” She asserted that the foreign press was focused “on filming the places from where missiles were launched. Thus, they were collaborating with the occupation.” (The Israeli army said last week that 600 of the 3,300 rockets fired into Israel over recent weeks were launched from residential areas, including schools, mosques and homes.)

Well, they might have tried to film where the missiles were launched but Hamas soon put a stop to it:

“These journalists were deported from the Gaza Strip,” al-Mudallal said. “The security agencies would go and have a chat with these people. They would give them some time to change their message, one way or another.

“We suffered from this problem very much,” she added. “Some of the journalists who entered the Gaza Strip were under security surveillance. Even under these difficult circumstances, we managed to reach them, and tell them that what they were doing was anything but professional journalism and that it was immoral.”

Eventually, well, last Monday to be exact, the Foreign Press Association lodged a fierce complaint concerning Hamas interference with their members in Gaza:

On Monday, the Foreign Press Association, an umbrella group representing foreign journalists working in Israel and the Palestinian Authority, issued a strongly worded condemnation of Hamas’s intimidation tactics and its interference with their reporting in Gaza.

“The FPA protests in the strongest terms the blatant, incessant, forceful and unorthodox methods employed by the Hamas authorities and their representatives against visiting international journalists in Gaza over the past month,” the statement said. “The international media are not advocacy organizations and cannot be prevented from reporting by means of threats or pressure, thereby denying their readers and viewers an objective picture from the ground.”

Better late than never, I suppose, but even so the representative of one leading newspaper protested against the FPA complaint.  You will not drop dead with shock, I'm sure, when I tell you that he works for the New York Times.

 Hat tip to Jonathan S. Tobin at COMMENTARY