Recently my eyes were opened to the child slavery and labor revolving the cocoa plant. Children are kidnapped and forced to work 12 hour days, and beaten regularly.
This year one of the campaigns The Harry Potter Alliance is focusing on is child slavery, and as part of that they are urging Warner Brothers to use fair trade chocolate when selling products under Harry Potter's name. The HP Alliance received a report from Free2Work that states that Harry Potter chocolate received an 'F' in human rights, Warner Brothers of course denied this and stated that they have their own report proving they don't actually have an F, but refused to show it. The HP Alliance is asking that people sign a petition asking Warner Brothers to show this report. You can click here to sign it!
I may not be an HP fan, but I know MANY of you are, or your children are. I urge you to sign the petition, and buy only fair trade chocolate! I will never eat chocolate again unless I know it is free trade, I can't eat it knowing it may have affected the rights of children. It is hard to wrap my mind around the fact that a simple decision like this will affect children just like my own brother around the world.
Click here for a list of Free Trade Chocolate in the US.
Click here to find products if you are in Canada.