The Hackernet Of Everything

By Nottheworstnews @NotTheWorstNews

CNN Money reports that researchers believe that hackers may be able to hack some new cars and do something like slam on someone else’s brakes.

A sketch can be viewed here, showing how areas including a vehicle’s Bluetooth and passive-anti-theft systems could be vulnerable to hackers.

3 Comments We’d Expect From New Car Buyers About This Story

1. “That’s great! Now when my heavy ‘Lead Manufacturers Of America’ keychain causes the ignition switch to turn off, I will phone my hacker friends and ask to restore the brakes, steering, airbags and XM Radio Octane channel feed!”

2. “I really like that Bluetooth technology not only allows me to wear this silly-looking earpiece, but now also gives me the comfort of knowing that a hacker can slam on my brakes before I rear-end them, whenever I’m talking on the phone instead of paying attention to the road.”

3. “I like the idea that my car’s passive anti-theft system can perhaps allow a hacker to steal my car. That way I can at least get some insurance money for it instead of trying to sell something that has been recalled.”