The Guy Behind 'Fuck Her Right in the Pussy' is a Total Ralph Wiggum

Posted on the 13 May 2015 by Jennifervillamere
I was really looking forward to dismantling the douche behind the original 'Fuck her right in the pussy' video hoax, but it turns out he's slow and dumb like Ralph Wiggum and you end up kind of feeling sorry for him rather than revelling in the satisfaction of taking him down.
Observe his bio:

John Cain loves to make people laugh.

2014 was a success. Exclamation point.

He's up for anything, anytime.

He likes connecting with people.

"Maybe in a deep conversation about life, or laughing about something completely ridiculous," he says.
"I love music!" says John. Good for you, John!

"I am very out going (sic) and fun to be around."

You're a real superstar, John. Shoot for the stars.