The Greenhouse Year – March 2012

By Patientgardener @patientgardener

It’s the 20th of the month so time for an update on the greenhouse – feel free to join in with this meme if you would like to.

Having been up at 5:30 this morning to go to a legal briefing in Birmingham I was feeling quite jaded so pleased to finish work at 3pm allowing me some time to garden.  I had originally planned to pop to the allotment but the thought of digging was not at all attractive so instead I spent an hour in the greenhouse rearranging things and pricking out seedlings.  I thought I was already at crisis point space wise but space as been cleared for me on the garage benches and the majority of the succulents have been relocated there until it is warm enough for them to move out to the succulent theater.  I am also being hard-hearted this year and hardening off plants more rapidly than I have before so the digitalis ferruginea and Vipers Bugloss have been taken out of the cold frame and are now waiting to be planted out.  Seedlings of hardy vegetable plants have been moved from the greenhouse to the cold frame.  Space has been created in both the greenhouse and cold frame. There is at least half a shelf in both waiting for occupants.

Then I pricked out the following:

Petunia Confetti Mix
Celeriac Gt Prague
Pak Choi – tatsoi rosette

Time on my hands before thinking about dinner I finally, on the 20th March, started sowing the seeds I had allocated for sowing this month.  I daren’t count how many packets there are but it is a substantial amount – opps!!  I had some small quarter trays empty so I choose to sow the following, many of which had been chilling in the fridge:

Paris quadrifolia
Geranium mixed
Ferula communis
Mimulus naiandinus
Viola cornuta
Campsis radicans

and my personal favourite: Dodecatheon pulchellum ssp. pulchellum ex ‘Red Wing’ – I needed a long label for that one.

But the most exciting thing in the greenhouse at the moment is that my bottle brush bush has flower buds on it.  I have grown two of these from seed which I think I sowed about 3 years ago so to see flower buds forming is incredibly rewarding.  I need to repot the two plants and then I think they will be moved outside for the summer.

So that’s my greenhouse in March.  If you would like to join in this meme please do and post a link to your post in the comment box. I do the meme on the 20th of each month.