The Great Dress Debate

By Erynecarter06

Well here we are. Finally Friday. And the last Friday of one awful February. At least in terms of weather. Bring on March. And hopefully some warmer temperatures soon!

If you didn’t see yesterday’s post on the February Book Club Link-Up, check it out! There are some wonderful books included!

Okay. I had planned to do a Five Things Friday post, but as I wrote this, I discovered I had far more to write about this particular topic then I thought.

Black and Blue, or White and Gold

I woke up this morning to the great Dress Debate, or #DressGate, or as it’s trending on Twitter, #TheDress. I really didn’t want to comment on it. I don’t really care that much about it, (or maybe I do since I need to write about it), but I felt like I had too. Purely because it’s everywhere today. Seriously, EVERYWHERE

First, let me say that the dress I’m looking at is black and blue. I don’t see any sign of white and gold anywhere on it. What I see is an image that has been overexposed to try to make it look like a different color.

The original image

Now, I’m not saying that you should see this as blue and black. You may very well see white and gold. I’m just saying that the what I’m seeing is not a white and gold dress. But a blue and black dress.

As a photographer, I know you can do A LOT of things in Photoshop and Lightroom, including altering the colors and look of a dress. You can change the tint, the temperature, the tone, the saturation – pretty much anything you want. Seriously. I could make that dress look turquoise if I really wanted too. I’m convinced it was overexposed and altered in Photoshop, or at least some photo editing program. In this article, The Science of Why No One Agrees on the Color of This Dress, it goes into more depth about the color.

That stay that blows my mind? 73% of people on BuzzFeed see it as White and Gold. Guess I’m in the minority here.

There are plenty of articles out there this morning about why we are seeing it in different colors, and the debate continues on Twitter and social media. Hope Taylor, a photographer, took to Twitter last night to show what the eyedropper tool picks up for colors in Photoshop, and she took to show how to make the dress turn white and cold with a simple adjustment in Lightroom.

This is what Adobe color says bye

— Hope Taylor (@hopetaylorphoto) February 27, 2015

I even put the dress in my own Lightroom program. All I did was adjust the contrast. Nothing else. I’m going with Hope, and the other 27% of people who answered the poll on BuzzFeed. I see a Black and Blue Dress.