The Gratitude Journal Challenge

By Djrelat7 @djrelat7

Do you have a journal? Have you ever taken a gratitude journal challenge? What is it you ask? You take a journal and write down what you're grateful for. Maybe it's not a challenge for you though. I used to write in my gratitude journal on a daily basis for years ...many moons ago. Then one day I stopped. I think it was because I was seeing such great results from writing in the gratitude journal. Then I found myself in a weird place this past fall, postpartum. I wondered what I could do to get back my happy spirit. Then I remembered during a conversation with a friend, that I would write in my gratitude journal to focus myself on all the amazing things that was happening in my life. Read on to learn more about the gratitude journal challenge.

Why did I start the gratitude journal challenge?

It became evident to me that I was not the only one who needed to shift their focus to a more positive place. I shared the idea of starting a gratitude journaling challenge to my friends Shakira and Cristina during our The Real Housewives of Connecticut Book Club meeting. They were on board. Then I thought about making it bigger. So, I then took to Instagram in hopes that maybe someone else out there might need the same push. The challenge began on October 1st and went to Thanksgiving day.

What did the Gratitude Journal Challenge consist of?

During the challenge we began with writing down just one thing that happened during the day that we were grateful for. Over the weeks we built up to visualization exercises and affirmations. I found that it helped me feel grounded. I reminded myself on a daily basis that when the day was done I actually had lots to feel grateful for. Some days it was a smooth day. Other times it was the kindness of strangers.

What I didn't expect from the Gratitude Journal Challenge.

What I wasn't really expecting though was the feedback. I had people in other countries participating in the challenge. I dusted off my rusty portuguese from college. I got text messages from friends who were following me on Instagram that told me they were happy that I had put the challenge out there. Even though some of them weren't able to participate everyday, they felt a difference in their day to day lives. To me that was huge. It reminded me of why I write on My Pocketful of Thoughts. ... In case someone might be going through the same thing right now as me.

The Gratitude Journal Challenge is coming back by popular demand.

I didn't continue posting about the gratitude journal challenge after Thanksgiving. I mean the challenge ended right? I actually stopped writing in it myself. Two months later though the blissful side effects are beginning to wear off. I also got a few comments about how much they enjoyed and continue to write in their journals!

By popular demand the gratitude journal challenge will begin again on March 1st. Each week there will be an add on to the challenge posted to Instagram. Make sure to follow me on Instagram under the handle @OXOXarelis. We'll be using #MPOTGratJournal2016 to follow along.

Do you journal? Have you ever done a gratitude journal challenge? How do you keep your spirit focused on the positive?

Until then,