the Grand Golden Circle

By Danielleabroad @danielleabroad
The Golden Circle is one of the most popular tourist routes in South Iceland, featuring the Gullfoss waterfalls, the geothermally-active Haukadalur valley, and Þingvellir national park. Visits to these (and any of the country's countless natural attractions attractions) require ground transportation though, and being as I wasn't going to rent a car on my own, a bus tour was key.The front desk person atmy lovely hostel suggested Bustravel Iceland because for its high quality and low price point. This is how I spent my one full day in Iceland: [Kerið volcano crater] [our driver's favorite waterfall - name unknown] [demonstration of Icelandic horses at Fridheimar farm]
[Haukadalur valley] [Strokkur geyser] [Lunch: smoked salmon sandwich & traditional Icelandic lamb soup] [Gulfoss waterfall] [a glaciar (look closely!)] [Þingvellirnational park] [Rift valley & the Rock of Law] Honestly, Iceland is one of the most spectacular countries I've ever been to in a completely out-of-this-world way. I guess I shouldn't have expected any less of one of the "happiest" nations founded upon volcanic rock by Vikings, huh?