The Goy That Used a Shinui to Avoid Chilul Shabbos in Beitar

By Gldmeier @gldmeier
There has been a funny ruckus in Beitar. Not really funny, but I find the whole story a bit humorous.
Someone threw a kiddush for a baby. He is the owner of a local Beitar paper, and he also published photographs from the kiddush in the paper. He wrote, alongside the pictures, that the pictures were photographed via a "shabbos goy". He added that the goy was not asked to do so and had photographed the event entirely on his own initiative, and therefore the pictures can be enjoyed and used, and they are being published with this disclaimer.
Highly unusual.
Is Shabbos observance only something to insist on being done properly in Tel Aviv and by secular government officials, but we, the religious, can find loopholes and ways around things? Do we now have a way to photograph our shabbos events?
With the arguing and accusations going back and forth, the goy has finally spoken up and confirmed on the radio that he did it all on his own initative. Not only that but the goy even said that he photographed the event by employing a shinui, though he did not explain how or what he changed in the process to qualify for a shinui, not that a goy needs a shinui at all...
source: Kooker
I think the funniest part of it is the goy claiming he did it with a shinui. He is a talmid chochom too! not just any old shabbos goy!
I dont know if it matters or indicates anything one way or the other, but in the pictures posted it looks like people are even posing..

I wonder if this will be the next big thing - pictures from shabbos events - kiddushes, bar mitzvahs, sheva brachos, etc...
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