The GOP Race Is Now Winnowed Down To 12 Candidates

Posted on the 31 December 2015 by Jobsanger

The caricature above, by DonkeyHotey, is of the GOP's "kiddie table" in an early debate (with Lindsey Graham, Rick Santorum, George Pataki, and Bobby Jindal). Only one of those candidates is still in the race -- Rick Santorum (who seems to be better than the others at ignoring reality).
The field that started with 17 candidates has now been reduced to only 12. On Tuesday evening, George Pataki suspended his presidential campaign -- joining Rick Perry, Scott Walker, Bobby Jindal, and Lindsey Graham as used-to-be's. Pataki gave this nice bit of word salad to the incredibly few supporters he was able to muster:
"While tonight is the end of my journey for the White House as I suspend my campaign for president, I am confident we can elect the right person. Someone who will bring us together and who understands that politicians, including the president, must be the people's servant and not their master. I know the best of America is still ahead of us."
I surprised that Pataki lasted this long. He was unable to get more than 1% support in any of the myriad polls that have been released -- and in almost all of them, couldn't even reach 1%. He was wasting what money he had, and everyone else's time.