Alicia Florrick, played by Emmy Winner Julianna Margulies is a lawyer and "the good wife" of Peter, played by handsome Chris Noth. Peter was recently elected governor of the state of Illinois. Peter's chief of staff, Eli Gold, played by talented Alan Cumming, has been after Alicia to run against the current and very corrupt state's attorney. She was resistant at first but after several go-arounds with Eli and seeing that she has gained strong public support, including an anonymous PAC that has raised over a hundred grand, in last night's episode, Alicia decided to go ahead and run. She knows she can make a difference. She's not corrupt. She will do right by the citizens of Illinois and this is her motivation.
But see, there's one little problem. (Isn't there always?) Earlier in the episode, Eli and a Mr. Elfman, Alicia's potential campaign manager, coached Alicia on what she must do in order to win. They exposed the skeletons in her closet and there were some doozies, but I won't go in to all of them here.
Most importantly, Alicia was counseled that she must let go of her questionable clients, including Lemond Bishop, the top drug lord of Chicago--and one scary ass dude if you ask me. Lemond has more money than God and tremendous covert power and influence. Alicia only represents his legitimate, legal business endeavors.
So, Alicia fires Lemond. At first he refuses. But at the end of the show, true to his slippery ways, Lemond catches Alicia at night as she's leaving her office, headed to her car. He tells her that he has changed his mind. He will look for another attorney. And she can thank him for setting up the PAC.
So now we're left with that draw-dropping shock. Lemond is backing Alicia financially and like any narcissistic criminal, will surely demand recompense. Once she's elected, Alicia will have to serve a drug lord or else all matter of bad will befall her.
Corruption. Bam. See how easy it can happen?
Is this just Hollywood and the makings of a good story? I wonder how close this is to reality. How many citizens, drawn to public office with honorable intentions become indebted through fear and intimidation to those with money, power and influence?
It makes you think.