The Golden Rule in Video Marketing: Know Thy Audience

Posted on the 05 July 2013 by Scotcombs @3rdplanetmedia

“In many ways, most of us would strangely qualify as video marketing experts; simply because companies spend billions of dollars per year trying to determine what types of advertising entices us.  Believe it or not, analysts examine almost every aspect of our daily lives to determine how we interpret the world around us and they’re desperate to learn things like:

  • What time of day are we most likely to make an impulse decision?
  • When are people the most relaxed, hungry, frustrated or motivated?
  • How does product placement in commercials influence buying patterns?
  • Which colors most accurately display a brand’s message?
  • What aspects of video marketing lead to the highest conversion rates?

The list goes on and on, to the point where humans are studied by marketing experts more than global warming, cancer research and all professional sports combined.   In other words, knowing who you are producing a video for can actually be more important than the marketing itself.” More>>>