The Girls in the Attic by @Scribbler4Bread

By Pamelascott
The bestselling author of The Designer presents a sweeping story of blind faith, family allegiance and how love makes one man question everything he thought he knew.

Max Wolff is a committed soldier of the Reich. So when he is sent home wounded, only to discover that his mother is sheltering two young Jewish women in their home, he is outraged.

His mother's act of mercy is a gross betrayal of everything Max stands for. He has dedicated his life to Nazism, fighting to atone for the shame of his anti-Hitler father's imprisonment. It's his duty to turn the sisters over to the Gestapo. But he hesitates, and the longer Max fails to do his duty, the harder it becomes.

When Allied bombers fill the skies of Germany, Max is forced to abandon all dogma and face the brutality of war in order to defend precious lives. But what will it cost him?


It has been a fine memorial service, the family agreed. PROLOGUE


(Lake Union Publishing, 1 June 2021, ebook, 351 pages, borrowed from @AmazonKindle, #PrimeReading)



I enjoyed The Girls in the Attic. I read a lot of historical fiction and have read book set during WW2 so was in familiar territory. I liked the way Max develops across the book, from a staunch supporter of Hitler and the Nazi regime to someone who realises how damaging this is for everyone involved. His eyes are really opened thanks to the girls his mother risks her life to save. I thou8ght this was a compelling read. I'd recommend it.