Knowing how to obtain the girlfriend experience (GFE) in Thailand is the final step of sexual sexpat enlightenment.
Just as the Buddha sat under the Bodhi tree to find the true meaning of life, if you're truly ready, I'm going reveal how you can obtain the girlfriend experience.
What is the girlfriend experience (GFE) Thailand?
The girlfriend experience (GFE) is when you pay for sex but the boundaries between the transaction and romance are blurred.
If an outsider was looking at you two together, they would assume you're boyfriend and girlfriend.
To give you an example of what the GFE is not, if you visit a brothel in Amsterdam, they put on a timer, don't take off their clothes, don't kiss and only allow you to choose a single position unless you want to pay extra.
If you go to Holland for sex....
The girlfriend experience is when you're paying for sex, but the girl acts like she is your girlfriend, making the experience better.
Watch Pretty Women if you're still confused.
Every guy at some point during their time in Thailand has gotten near black out drunk clubbing in Bangkok, had sex with a Thai Bar girl or a loose girl and felt empty or unfilled after.
If you never felt empty or unfilled after meaningless sex, then you've either not had enough sex or you're fucked up emotionally and trying to obtain the girlfriend experience in Thailand is the least of your worries.
The GFE in Thailand is all about building a connection with the women in a short space of time so pre, during and post sex is a good pleasant experience.
The girlfriend experience ensures you don't have the following happen to you:
- Girl aggressively asking for tips
- Asks if you've finished yet
- Keeps looking at her phone instead of talking to you
- Tells you she needs to go so you have to be quick
- She is rude and doesn't talk to you much
- Doesn't allow kissing
- Refuses to go anywhere but your hotel or makes you book a short-time because you live 'too far'
- Changes the prices or causes a fight in your apartment
- Her attitude from the bar changes as soon as you leave
- Right away starts asking for expensive things or food
The girlfriend experience is:
- Kissing you and holding hands in public
- Cuddling in bed
- Talking to you instead of playing on her phone
- Not telling you she is tired or has to leave
- Once the price has been agreed, doesn't mention money again
- Is happy to get food pre or post sex
- Cleaning your room and doing your laundry (end boss GFE level, only the elite of the elites can get this)
Before we get started: the GFE is not for everyone
I've lived in Asia for many years now, I've met a lot of crazy people, some of you read my blog.
Some expats are socially awkward and mentally retarded that even if they managed to obtain the GFE in Thailand, they would not be able to appreciate it.
If you're reading this article and thinking something like this:
"They are just hookers, why would anyone want the GFE?"
I don't want to go Dr. Phill on you guys, but you'll most likely have some sort of emotional or loneliness issues that you're not addressing (assuming you don't have a girlfriend who is meeting these needs already).
The reason I like the GFE is that as well as getting my physical needs met, I also get my emotional needs met too.
That's the secret, you get both your physical and emotional needs taken care of with the GFE.
I will bet that your best sexual experiences have been when you and the girl clicked (both needs were met), and your worst times will be when none or only one of them were met.
If you've ever sat in your condo all day going a little bit crazy because you've not left your room, it's because you're lonely and need social interaction, most of us hide from our emotions but they can harm us later on in life we don't deal with them.
the GFE is a good remedy.
You need to be a likable person
The secret to getting the girlfriend experience in Thailand is communication.
If you can make the girl feel safe in your presence, and you can show her that you're not a psycho like many other guys, unless she is nuts there is no way she will not like you as a human being.
If you're attractive then she will like you even more.
The more she likes you, they more affection and love she will show.
You'll also need to be able to read girls to see how much they like you, how they interact, what body language they use, what type of questions they ask.
When I walk into a bar or club, within a few seconds I can already tell which girls are going to be super friendly, which are going to be gold diggers and so on. It takes time to build this type of radar.
I always tell people that it's better to have sex with a 6/10 girl that likes you and gives the GFE then to fuck a 10/10 girl that just lies there and does nothing.
How to get the girlfriend experience in Thailand
The fastest way to get the girlfriend experience is to use an escort service in Bangkok.
They will end up setting you back 5,000b or more, but if you talk to the online staff and state your needs they should accommodate for you.
Now obviously many escort sites will tell you they offer the GFE but the girl has no clue.
From peer reviews and first-hand conversations I've had with people I trust, I have been recommended Bangkok Escorts by a few people. They don't advertise on my site anymore but they offer a good service, but it costs 2x as other options.
Brothels - if you're not a seasoned vet, you're going to have a hard time getting the GFE in brothels or massages simply due to the lack of communication you have with the girls.
If it's a fish bowl setup, you won't be able to speak to the girl.
If it's a typical massage setup then as I mentioned in my Becoming an Ethical Whore Monger, get a drink and chat with the girls before you rush in and fuck her like a savage.
Taking the time to talk to the girls, being nice and friendly actually makes them like you, which makes the whole experience better.
You see how I call it an experience and not just sex - that's GFE.
Don't assume that Thai women like you because you're white, most of them don't - they just like your money.
These girls have feelings and emotions too as NomadPhilippines point out, if they see you as a genuine guy, you can get 2-3x better service than if you just walked in and threw your money and cock about.
Freelancers - are ideal for the girlfriend experience because you can talk to them openly.
They are not limited to the massage shop so you can take them anywhere.
Instead of talking about the price right away, ask if she wants to join you for a drink or quick snack that you're paying and get to know her.
When talking to hookers in Thailand, pretend she is a normal girl that you're trying to win her over.
Treat hookers like they are your girlfriend, and treat your girlfriend like she is a hooker.
Getting the GFE without paying for it
People pay for sex because it's convenient.
Convenience costs money.
Whether you want an Uber when it's raining or you're booking the rush hour train, you'll always pay more for the convenience.
If you're in Thailand for longer then 7 days, you can get the girlfriend experience without having to pay for it.
You simply join any number of dating sites like Thai Cupid, talk to the girls a few weeks before you come, and when you arrive assuming you did the groundwork correctly, you can have 2-3 girls during your trip that will offer you the GFE without you having to pay for sex.
Note: while not paying for sex, you'll be paying for dinner and drinks when you meet her.
Your thoughts?
What do you guys think about the girlfriend experience in Thailand?
I honestly don't want to have any type of intimate relationships with women if I cannot get the girlfriend experience to some extent unless I'm black out drunk.