THE Gift - Perfect for My Next Anniversary

By Parentalparody @parental_parody
I've found it!

The gift to end all gifts. The gift that keeps on giving. The one item that counts as a gift for him and her. The gift to end all marital disharmony. The gift that helps global warming (via a reduction in toxic air freshener gases). This is THE gift. I don't want to talk it up or exaggerate or anything, but it is arguably as huge and impressive as the gift of life. Seriously, I'm talking about as genius as POST IT NOTES.

Shut. Up.

I just love Bamboozo for keeping me up to date on the latest must-have shopping trends.

I bet this is where Kim Kardashian buys Kanye's gifts. I shall be purchasing these for all of my nearest and dearest. One pair per male.

Or are they disposable?  Will I need 365 pairs per male?  Either way, totally worth it. Will cover a millennium worth of crappy, half-arsed, semi-well meaning giftage. May the air always be minty fresh for you and yours.