The Gift of My Grandparents

By Momishblog @momishblog
So much of why I'm the person I am today is because of my grandparents.  My grandparents, two maternal & one paternal (my paternal grandmother died too young), guided and protected me through all that life had to offer.  Sometimes they were tough and sometimes they were soft.  Sometimes they spoiled and other times they taught the hard lessons one needs to be a successful adult.  Every time, they were a gift and let me know that their love for me was unmatched by anything or anyone else.  
My grandparents had a large influence on my life.  As my young parents raised me with joys of a new baby, they were there.  As my young parents made mistakes as young parents do they were there.  One of the most impressive things about my grandparents was their decision to co-grandparent as a team.  When my parents divorced when I was 8 years old, all four of my grandparents continued their respect for one another and their love for their grandchildren, vowing to each be a part of our lives and support us through the inevitably difficult years ahead.  Many would say I was lucky to have them in my life.  I would disagree and say that I was blessed, blessed beyond measure to be loved by four such wonderful individuals.  
Today is the birthday of one of my grandfathers.  It's hard to think of the three of them without thinking of the other two.  In my mind and in my heart they are a package deal.  Their love, admiration, devotion, dedication, and willingness to put aside their own lives to see me become a success is something I'll always be grateful for and never be able to repay.  So instead I do what they taught me by example, I give to the young man who steals my heart and find myself willing to move mountains to be sure the Sonish has the love, devotion, and self esteem they raised me with.  For the only way to pay homage to the legacy they've instilled in me to continue it in my own family.  
To all three of you and to the spirit of my departed grandmother, I love you with all of my heart today and always.