This week I’ve been learning how to ‘Prezi’. Apparently it’s a new way of avoiding ‘Death by Powerpoint’ so I thought it would be a useful tool to have up my sleeve.
So I made a quick and dirty Prezi to try it out. All was going swimmingly – I quickly got the hang of the basics, and the above is the result… which I can expand, amend and make new ones. This is my trial run… the guinea pig.
As it was about the garden, I thought I’d share it on this blog, just to see how the different channels talk to each other. Then I hit a problem… it seems that Prezi and WordPress don’t actually talk to each other. After trying different methods and publishing blank posts to all my followers (some of whom actually thought I’d lost the plot completely), I eventually found the solution. Which I thought I’d share with you all – it may come in handy one day.
1. Go to your Prezi, and click on the ‘Share’ button
2. In the ‘Viewing’ tab, copy the code
3. Go to
4. Insert your code into the left hand box and run the app
5. Insert the new generated code into the ‘Text’ view of your WordPress blog
6. Voila!