The Garden in September

By Alternativeeden @markngaz

Whilst we weren't looking, the garden kept growing....

Figuratively speaking of course. We have been away for a week in September and for most of the summer our attention has been on the house renovation. Suffice to say gardening and the garden has taken a back seat. And there were days that all we've done outside is a quick look once over before we hurried back to carry on with work in the house.

But even if we weren't looking we're glad the garden carried on growing.

Despite the garden not looking pristine at all we still had a few visitors, who were happy enough to wander around on their own for most of their visit as we were, you guessed it busy inside. And the feedback was positive, very encouraging, and wonderful to hear. Somehow neither of us seemed to have expected good feedback about the garden as we've spent very little time than usual tidying and taking care of it all summer, coupled with the fire damage (which is not looking too bad now, a separate blog post about it will come soon). But to hear such nice words recently has given us the nudge to start working on it again...

After all, autumn is fast approaching and it's that time of the year again when we have to start preparing the garden for the colder months ahead. When the process of putting the bed to sleep must commence.

So much to do, so much to plan for, so many things to move, but not yet....

Not for awhile. We'll wait for a bit. The garden is looking so lush, and strangely inviting despite the very little sweeping and pruning we've done all summer. Perhaps we should just enjoy 'looking' at it now before autumn definitely sets in with leaves falling and herbaceous plants starting to go dormant again. 

Mark :-)