The Garden in October

By Alternativeeden @markngaz
Such a sunny Sunday it was. Saturday wasn't so sunny, but decent enough that we were able to finish the pathway (more on that later). But last Sunday was glorious here, not bad considering it is the middle of October already.

In the jungle...

Ginkgo biloba 'Mariken' with lovely autumn colour

Rhus typhina turning scarlet for autumn

You could barely see the chimenea now as it's swamped by Tinantia pringlei

Several areas reported having moderate to heavy frost the night before. Fortunately we were spared, which bought us time as we haven't really brought many plants under cover just yet. Almost none actually. But we have been doing regular sweeping as the leaves from deciduous plants have started to fall as one would expect during autumn.

A lush clump of Hedychiums, which one, I can't remember and won't know until the flowers have opened!

The reliable Dahlia 'Twyning's After Eight'

A mall selection of Rex Begonias

Come to think of it, apart from one or two plants that are truly tender, there aren't really many that we have to bring under cover just yet. Even if the threat of frosts are imminent. As long as the daytime temperatures are still well above freezing during the day, and frosts are still few and far in between, most of the not so hardy plants will be fine and might as well stay out for as long as possible (and feasible).

One of our resident jungle trawlers, Twinkles

But neither of us would want a mad rush either, so with the sunny Sunday we have officially started the big pots migration, starting with the succulents (they need to dry out). The rest will follow gradually in the next few days and weeks.Pot migration however was not the highlight of the sunny Sunday. It was the general time we have spent in the garden, gardening. Good old fashioned gardening: planting out a few more plants, pruning, pottering, you name it. And we both felt that, instead of it feeling like autumn, it felt like spring.

Elatostema rugosum

The weather was fine yet there is a nip in the air, and if you ignore the dates then you could almost feel that it's spring. How I wish that was the case! But for now we're content with the one day feeling of spring.

Another reason we felt 'spring like' is that this is the first time in ages that we have done good old fashioned gardening, no projects, just pure plants and gardening. And it was almost like we were doing some catching up, tidying plants today that are usually done four months ago, held back as we concentrated on the project. But this time we finally had the time to do it, long overdue yes but very satisfying.

No signs of autumn yet for the lovely Magnolia macrophylla subsp. Ashei (left)

Saxifraga longifolia (if only I spotted that tiny bit of slate right in the middle...)

Overall, a very rewarding and productive weekend. And we had time to take photos of the garden too!
The Garden in October - thanks for joining us on a virtual tour of our garden, one fine autumnal Sunday, and we hope you enjoyed it! Mark :-)