The Game of Thrones Season 7 Trailer Needs More Dragons, Gendry & Littlefinger

Posted on the 31 March 2017 by Sumithardia

Well, HBO finally released a real trailer for the seventh season of Game of Thrones. Except not really. Like, I don’t consider this a real trailer. To be fair, Game of Thrones trailers are usually not that revealing at all. The purpose is always to build anticipation, not to give you any kind of clues about what happens next or anything like that. The trailers are sort of famous for being insanely cryptic. So, this trailer is more of the same. The song overlay is James’ “Sit Down.” Which I don’t think is the right mood-music for this kind of anticipation. It’s more wink-nudge and the music should have been THUNDER and DRAGONS and ICE DRAMA.

So what we know for sure is that Season 7 will be very heavy on Dany, Jon and Cersei. While I was here for Cersei’s regal bitchery in the last half of Season 6, seeing her smug little smile as WINTER IS HERE is enough to make me want to see her get burned alive by wildfire. Like, girl, what do you have to be smug about? Oh, you’ve got Kings Landing WHO CARES? Dany has dragons and an armada of thousands. Jon is King of the North. Kings Landing is nothing. If you’re wondering about the “throne” Dany is sitting on, the internet nerds believe that is the throne of Dragonstone, known as the seat of the Targaryens. Jon’s throne is a humble seat at Winterfell, right? That represents that he is the heir of Winterfell and the King of the North, I would assume.
What else… no Bran in this trailer. No Littlefinger. No Sansa. No Arya. No Jamie. No GHOST. No Sam and Gilly. And no bloody Gendry. I sincerely hope we get at least a glimpse of Gendry before this show ends. In an ideal world, Sansa would end up married to Gendry and they would make hot Baratheon-Stark babies. Either that of Gendry would be given to badass Lady Mormont as her hot man-servant.
This sh-t isn’t coming out until July!!! GAH.

Photos courtesy of HBO.


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