The Friday Five: Five “Good” Things

By Sara Zwicker @SaraZwicker

Yippee! It’s Friday–I am SO excited for this weekend, we have so many fun things planned that I cannot wait to kick off the weekend, starting with a night out with Robyn. I can count on one hand the number of times we have been out, just the two of us, since Ashton was born so I am REALLY looking forward to our sushi date tonight!

So, first things first before we dive into this post any further,  I want to thank you for all your comments on Wednesday’s post, I truly appreciate it. I know there is no quick and easy fix, but I feel that being able to recognize when there is an issue helps you to address it and hopefully make it better! So thank you, thank you for being such a thoughtful, supportive group of people, I truly appreciate each of you!  Okay…so now let’s move on to some fun stuff, shall we?

I am linking up with the fabulous ladies that make up the DC Trifecta again this week: Mar on the Run, You Signed Up for What, and Eat Pray Run DC for their Friday Five: Five “Good” things today!  It’s good Friday, but I am not a religious  person so I’m going to go off in a different direction with this post than maybe some other people…but variety is the spice of life, right?  I’m going to talk about the five good things in my life this week– we go!

1. The Cristelli Fit Challenge

I mentioned on Monday that I was starting a 30 day paid and structured training/eating plan and I am on day 5.  So far, I LOVE it. It’s pushing me WAY out of my comfort zone and it is just what I needed.  The meal planning is tough for me since I don’t ever cook, but it is nice to not have to think about when and what you are going to eat for every meal. I really hope the next few weeks go as well as this week has so far and I start to see the gains I am looking for!

2. Sleep

Last week was brutal for me, the anxiety and stress of work kept me up most of the night and when I was able to fall asleep, it wasn’t restful and every single day I felt like I was hit over and over again with a baseball bat.  This week, I have been sleeping like a baby! I feel more rested than I have in a long while and it’s been wonderful. I am sure the Christelli challenge is helping me sleep better because I am so tired at the end of the day, but whatever it is, I will take it!

 3. Decorating Easter Cupcakes with Ashton

You didn’t think I would get through a post like this without mentioning my little monster did you?  Silly friends!!  Yesterday when we got home from work, we decorated cupcakes for Ashton’s daycare today.  It was a family affair.  Robyn came home at lunch time and baked the cupcakes so that we could decorate them in the evening since we don’t have time to do both while Ashton is awake at night.  It worked out perfectly.  Robyn made purple cupcakes and then we mixed together two colored frostings (Ashton picked green and yellow) and then we iced them and Ashton put in the little bunny and egg sticks.  Of course, he had to conduct multiple taste tests of the frosting to ensure it’s quality!

4. Royalty Wazer

I don’t know if you all use Waze, but it’s pretty much the best app for those of us who spend a lot of time in the car (which you all know I do) or anyone who drives and wants to know if there is traffic, an accident, etc on your route. It’s like GPS on steroids and is completely free! Robyn started using this app when it first came out and got grandfathered in as a Royalty Wazer. I didn’t start using the app until a few months ago and they changed their algorithms so it was harder to reach this status but yesterday I finally made it.  It’s been a little bit of a running joke in our house that Robyn, who commutes about 20 total miles a day had more points than me who does over 120 miles a day, so I am happy to say I am now Royalty  Robyn laughed when I showed this to him last’s the little things we have to laugh at!

5. The Weather

Now don’t go getting too excited, what I meant by that is that this is the first week in a LONG time that it DIDN’t snow!  Rain? Yes, but no snow and it even hit 60 this week!!  We got outside one night this week and even played trucks on the deck for a little bit…everyone was full of smiles and I have already been asked about 20 times when we can go to the park to play after daycare!  I am hopeful Spring is truly on it’s way–let’s keep those fingers crossed!

Okay friends, those are my Five “Good” things for the Friday Five.  I hope you all have a GREAT weekend and I will see you on Monday!


Question of the day

What are some of your “goods” this week?