The Friday Fast 5: Five Things You Want to Check Out Right Now

By Dudepins @dudepins

The week is up... Time to prep for the weekend. Here are 5 things we found on Dudepins that you definitely want to check out. Seriously, don't start your weekend without checking out the below posts, trust us, they'll make your Friday night and weekend just that much better... oh and happy end of May, we hope you had a good one, onto June.

How to dress like an elegant British Spy - Read Now Here's Christiano Ronaldo's new girlfriend in a great photoshoot - See Pictures 17 things you didn't know about Steve McQueen - Read Now True Detective Season 2 Trailer - Watch Now Watch this amazingly incredible epic frisbee toss - Watch Now That's a wrap! Head on over to Dudepins to discover all the latest and greatest stuff for Guys -

