The French Quarter: Part 1

By Masfashion

I loved my time in New Orleans. What a fantastic city with so much to do. I absolutely loved that no matter where you walk there is live music playing and that everyone is there to have a good time, which their energy totally rubs off on you. Whenever I travel I get giddy and inspired by the architecture and people around me. I get excited to bring out my camera and try to capture the essence of that particular place. While in Nola I took so many photos which I am excited to share with you all. I will also be bringing you a “72 hours in the Big Easy” city guide! But for now I hope you enjoy your stroll through the French Quarter!

The French Quarter was one of my favorite places to walk around. The action, the color, the music – it was all amazing! We actually walked around for hours just admiring (and totally gawking) at our surroundings. While the hubs loved another area better (photos on that coming soon) I was totally taken by the F.Q. Since I have so many photos to share this is just the first set. I hope you get a feel of the commotion, the energy, and the beauty!