The Fourth Of July/Comfort For Our Canine Companions

By Misslatoya @LaToyaLLawrence

Around 3a.m. this morning I was up with my television set tuned to a news broadcast that mentioned the 4th of July being a day in which most dogs run away from home just before switching to a commercial break.

I figured the instance probably had to do with the explosive sounds of the fireworks lit in celebration of Independence day.

When the station switched back to the news program a segment on the issue was aired going further into detail about the anxiety some of our canine companions go through during the July 4th holiday, and as I thought, of course, it pertained to the noise and electrifying sparks of those loud fireworks.

I understood completely. When I was a kid I hated the sounds firecrackers and M-80s made yet loved to see the beautiful arrangement of bursting colors that shot out into the sky with a more appealing explode.

My dog didn’t like the sounds of fireworks either but it was never an annoyance to provoke her to run away from home. She’d either run close to one of us (her family members) for comfort and protection or run under some furniture to hide as she did from the loud harsh sounds of thunder when it rained.

My dog use to hang out with us on the stoop as we’d watch people light up the streets of our block on this holiday occasion back in the day.