The Forgotton God: His Wrath

By Elizabethprata @elizabethprata

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I'm big on God's wrath. It is rarely taught from the pulpit, even rarer is the new book on it, children aren't taught it, today's theologians ignore it. I love God's wrath because it is an expression of one of His holy attributes: justice, and because I love Jesus I love ALL of Him.
I am in awe of His wrath, and if I think on it longer than a moment or two, I will cry over it. God's wrath is already being revealed (Romans 1:18) and it is a mind-bending, majestic thing. This attribute is still a necessary portion of who God is and we must understand it to proclaim it. To that end, this is the latest edition of Credo Magazine, the topic is "The Forgotten God: Divine Attributes We Are Ashamed of and Why We Shouldn't Be". I especially enjoyed the article "Should We Teach Our Children about the Wrath of God?" Check it out. It is free online.
The Forgotten God: Divine Attributes We Are Ashamed of and Why We Shouldn't Be
HT Do Not Be Surprised