The Food Didn't Taste as Good.

By Advsinwtloss @advsinwtloss
So I've been really out of control and last night I had a big blow out and I vowed to start again today. So far, so good, but that's not the point. Last night when I was doing the big blow out at one of our favorite pubs in downtown Albany  I noticed something. The food didn't taste as good.
I usually get this burger with cheddar sauce. I get the sauce on the side and I spread it very sparingly on the bread. Well, I got probably three times that on the burger. I also got mayonnaise dipping sauce for the fries. I usually forgo the dipping sauce. I started to eat the burger, and it was the worst burger I ever had there. I usually eat the entire burger and it's a great burger. I am not a big red meat person so for me saying it's a good burger is saying something! Keep in mind this was probably my fifth time having that burger there. I disliked the burger so much I only ate half of it. I ate all of the fries. which are arguably the best in Albany, if not Capital Region. I never give up fries there.
When I was done I was so full. I had a little trouble falling asleep because my stomach was so full. I haven't been that full in a long time and it didn't feel very good at all. It reminded me of my old days when I would eat and eat and eat. I don't know how I did it. As it is my stomach has gotten bigger over the weekend and my 18/20 shirt doesn't cover as well as it should.
I'm not happy that my eating habits have gone crazy, but I am happy that I was reminded of my bad habits and how horrible life was back in the old days. I think I learned a lesson last night. Let's hope it will stay with me.
As always, thank you for reading.