Yesterday, Nov. 14, the Washington National Cathedral in D.C. — “the spiritual home for the [American] nation” — went through as planned with its Muslim prayer service, with only one lone brave woman who protested against the travesty. (See my post “Washington National Cathedral in D.C. to host Muslim prayer service”)
As reported by The Washington Post:
In a corner of Washington National Cathedral, several hundred Muslim worshipers and other invited guests gathered Friday afternoon for a first-ever recitation of weekly Muslim prayers at the iconic Christian sanctuary and to hear leaders of both faiths call for religious unity in the face of extremist violence and hate….
The event was closed to the public, and there was heavy security, with police checking every name and bag….
Nevertheless, the carefully scripted ceremony was marred once when one well-dressed, middle-age woman in the audience suddenly rose and began shouting that “America was founded on Christian principles. . . . Leave our church alone!” She was swiftly ushered out by security aides, and the service continued….
The Very Rev. Gary Hall, dean of the cathedral, spoke of Saint Benedict, who he said believed equally in the importance of prayer and hospitality. Marveling at the sounds of Arabic prayers, which he called “a beautiful sacred language in a beautiful sacred space,” Hall said he hoped the service would serve as the start of more efforts to work together for good.
Other speakers said they hoped the service would help correct some Americans’ misperceptions of Muslims as extremists and reinforce tolerance among faiths.
“Salaam, shalom, peace. You are all so very welcome here,” said the Rev. Canon Gina Gilland Campbell, the cathedral’s director of liturgy, in an open greeting.
The “Very Rev. Gary Hall” and “Rev. Canon Gina Gilland Campbell” are proper useful idiots of Islam, for in opening the doors of the Episcopal cathedral to the Muslim prayer service, the largest “national church” in America will be considered a Muslim place of worship according to Islamic theology.
As Andrew Bieszad, the author of Lions of the Faith and an MA in Islamic Studies from Hartford Seminary with concentration in the Islamic equivalent of Dogmatic Theology, explains in OnePeterFive:
Physical possession of an area by Muslims is regarded as spiritual possession by Islam. If a Muslim owns or uses something, be it small or large, it is technically property of the Muslims, and it may not be used by non-Muslims. It is for this reason that in many Islamic societies throughout history where non-Muslims were present, there were strict and oppressive laws levied against non-Muslims….
The greatest gesture of Islam’s dominance over a particular area is when Muslims pray in it. Most specifically, when they perform the obligatory Friday prayers in a place….
The National Cathedral says that today’s Islamic prayers will be a “historic event” with the intended goal of leading to a “deeper conversation and partnership.” South African Ambassador Ebrahim Rasool, who helped organize this meeting, said of it: “This is a dramatic moment in the world and in Muslim-Christian relations…. This needs to be a world in which all are free to believe and practice and in which we avoid bigotry, Islamophobia, racism, anti-Semitism, and anti-Christianity and to embrace our humanity and to embrace faith.”
This statement is a perfect example of Islamic dissimulation, called taqiyya, in practice. Islam does not value the freedom of religion, as Muhammad himself stated, and Islam aggressively practices. Racism is irrelevant in this context, because Islam is not a race, as its own sacred scripture emphasizes. Islam is inherently anti-Semitic and anti-Christian, as countless passages in its sacred scripture and tradition promote and justify heinous and unprovoked violence against Jews and Christians on the basis of their disbelief in Islam. Islam does not regard the humanity of non-Muslims, because its own theology teaches that man’s humanity is conditional upon and proportional to his belief in and practice of Islam. The only true statement here is the part about “embracing faith,” which in Islamic terms means conversion to Islam….
When the Muslims invaded Spain in 711, one of the first things they did after conquering an area was to convert the largest and most magnificent churches into mosques. All of the great Spanish Cathedrals today — St. Mary’s in Valencia, Our Lady of the Assumption in Cordoba, and St. Mary’s of the See in Seville to name a few — were at one time converted to mosques, and only later, after they were recovered, restored to their rightful place as Catholic churches….
For centuries, Catholics and other Christians fought against Islam to prevent this from happening…. As of today, the largest “national church” in America will be considered a Muslim place of worship according to Islamic theology.
Bieszad concludes with a two-fold advice to fellow Christians:
First, do all in your power to prevent your local church from being used for Muslim prayers, because it is about domination, not dialogue. Second, prepare spiritually, mentally, and yes, even physically to combat an increasingly aggressive Islam. While this may be a “historic event,” seen only for its spiritual significance, it may well be the hallmark of much more.