The Flying Bride — Real Wedding Blog

By Claire

The fly­ing bride title comes from a com­ment the lovely Anneli Mari­novich left on Kat’s wed­ding pho­tog­ra­phy blog. And I have to add, it’s not just Bianca who gets air­borne: Michael can jump pretty damn high!

I love this wed­ding because Bianca very bravely had her long hair chopped just before the wed­ding. Michael prefers short hair — hence her strik­ingly beau­ti­ful wed­ding day bob. And I think she looks amazing.

But it’s not about me: Bianca wrote a short wed­ding report so I’ll leave it to the beau­ti­ful bride to tell her story, and to Lon­don wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher Kat Forsyth to bring the day to life with her gor­geous photos.


In short I would say that my day wasn’t stress­ful, I enjoyed every moment from wak­ing up and gra­bing Mcdon­alds on the way, to watch­ing my mom, mother-in-law and gran putting all the flow­ers together.

I bought my dress from Mor­gan and Brown, not too sure what designer. It’s a mer­maid style with a dra­matic train!

I only had ear­rings as I’m not much of a jew­ellery per­son and wanted to be me on my day. I had cream high heels for the cer­e­mony and after walk­ing out the church I put on some com­fort­able flats! I don’t believe in the say­ing that says beauty is pain! I wanted my dress to be the main attrac­tion so I was very plain!

When it was time to walk down the aisle I was so happy and peace­ful, it was a spe­cial moment when I saw all our friends and fam­ily sup­port­ing us.

We had a live jazz band that were amaz­ing and cre­ated a joy­ous set­ting! Speak­ers were personal,funny and filled with love! I wouldn’t do any­thing differently!

Michael bought his suit (not too sure where from). Some­where in sand­ton city, after going into so many stores you just for­get! He wore his watch (fos­sil) and an hugo black belt.

One of my most mem­o­rable moments was my father’s speech. My par­ents are divorced and my father thanked my mother and step­fa­ther for every­thing that they had done for me and thanked my mother for bring­ing me up.

It was just incred­i­ble to see the for­give­ness and unity. That no mat­ter what their past was they were cel­e­brat­ing together.

Bianca’s wed­ding day advice

Don’t stress!! Eas­ier said than done! But I would say that you need to stick with a sim­ple yet ele­gant idea. Don’t get lost in ALL the detail! If you like some­thing go with it and don’t sec­ond guess yourself!

The fly­ing bride.… talk about dis­tinc­tive wed­ding pho­tos! These are brilliant!

Thank you to Lon­don wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher Kat Forsyth for sub­mit­ting this beau­ti­ful wed­ding to my blog. Find out more about Kat on her Eng­lish Wed­ding Show­case Page here — it’s a quick digest with some of my own favorite pics from Kat! or visit to see her port­fo­lio and recent wed­dings. Kat’s also on face­book: it’d be lovely if you’d look at her wed­ding pho­tog­ra­phy face­book page and click Like a lit­tle bit