The Flight

By Senoritacyn
As this week is winding down, it has been very productive and eye opening. A year ago today, I was giving the opportunity to take my first business trip. Mind you it was only for a day, but I would be traveling to Dallas, Texas. It had been close to 10 years since I had been on an airplane (side-note, more traveling is on my To Do List). I was nervous but excited at the fact that this was a milestone in my career. Taking off from LAX and flying over the Pacific Ocean was breathtaking.
From the moment I landed, everything was fast paced. Grab my luggage, rent a car, trying to get out of the airport alive, making it to your meeting on time…PRICELESS.  I learned a lot about myself and that is rewarding. It also reassured me that hard work will lead you to your dreams. I got a taste of what to look forward to in my career and I will continue to work hard to get there. Dreamers rule the world!
