The Five Senses Blogathon

Posted on the 14 March 2015 by Ikzidna @InspiredGround

I can’t remember the last time I joined a blogathon. As a little bit of crazy schedule break, why not do another? Nostra from My Film Views have invited me to join The Five Senses Blogathon, which is :
As you know the body has five senses (although some movies might suggest there is a sixth one): Sight, Sound, Taste, Smell and Touch. For each of these senses you will have to describe the movie related association you have with it. This can be a particular movie or even a scene, but also something having to do with the movie going experience (so for example the smell of popcorn in the theater).


Using sight sense of course is the function we should have when watching a movie. But there are movies that require you to make your eyes provoked/see more than usual/casual method of movie framing/photography. It can be good or bad (exhausting). The good would be when I watched Avatar in 3D, which was amazing and jaw dropping.

And though it was a rich visual, but it’s too much that I can’t even watch the whole movie. It’s Mood Indigo for sure.


Ultimately, I always liked a movie that uses music I love. The best and certainly flows naturally was Once. But, if we look at more deeply to the materials of the sound, like rhythm and sound elements, I would say Kings of Summer‘s raw drumming using sticks on a pipe in the woods was brilliant. The three boys and their energy was positive and contagious.


When it comes to taste, I have lots of choices, since I love cooking and movies about cooking. But if you ask me recently, I’ll pick The Lunchbox. Because the two leading characters often tasted food for/in the lunchbox. The good food and its amazing taste (or so looked in the movie) connect the two strangers. It’s a great food movie and drama.


Now, this is a toughy. A taste of smell in movies can easily be ignored. We can only sense it through the characters expressions or the convincing beautiful/unpleasant set. For this category, I’d have to pick one iconic scene from Trainspotting. You guessed it, it’s that dirty potty scene. Ewwww, I feel grossed just thinking about it. It should be really, really smelly.


When it comes to touch, usually movies about intimacy or intercourse can provoke your touch sense. But not all directors like to put effort in framing/shooting one or more scene about touching. I like how To The Wonder does that without being cheap or dirty. As you probably know, Terrence Mallick shot lots of visuals and turned it to a movie by adding voice narration. The shot of the mother cuddling and playing with her child, and also the couple’s togetherness and intimacy was the best touch sense I can ever experience.


Any thoughts? What’s your answer to each of these senses?