The First Sunday Rumble of 2014

By Davidduff

I've just been bribedThat posh Mr.Cameron - such a nicely brought-up young man - has just tried to bribe me.  Well, since he and his ilk rob me on a constant basis the least they can do is give some of it, even a few paltry pennies, back.  So he's promised to keep ramping up the old age pension until we can all afford to drink real champagne instead of that Cava rubbish!  Do I believe him?  Of course I do, after all, he went to Eton, you know!

Go for it, Gove!More and more I'm beginning to like that Gove fella'!  With minimal help and support from 'colleagues'(!) and in the face of ferocious, sustained opposition from local authorities, teacher unions, his own civil servants, the labor party and the 'Kleggerons', he has quietly persisted with his revolution in our 'edukashun serviss'.  The other day he gave teachers a 'D-' for teaching the history of WWI incorrectly - well, dishonestly, actually, but then most teachers being unable to think for themselves simply parrot the nonsense spewed forth by university history dons.  I would say that in the cabinet classroom he is the top boy and should be given a desk at the front!

Is the 'Archbish' a tit?  I ask only because there appears to be a factory somewhere in Canterbury where they manufacture tits and then turn them into Archbishops.


   A pair of tits   Another pair of tits

The previous tit was so tittish he was actually a laugh but the current tit is just, well, titish!  His latest wheeze is to change the language used at Christenings, according to The Mail:

The rewritten version – which came after reformers said they wanted to use the language of EastEnders rather than Shakespeare in services – is designed as an alternative to the wording in the Common Worship prayer book, rather than a replacement.

I have a supply of language, some of it Shakespearean, to summarise the reformers (or 'titists' as they are known in ecclesiastical grass-cutting circles!) but, alas, you will find little of it in the Bible.

Listen, be amazed, and be uplifted:This was sent to me by Andra to whom I am deeply grateful.  Just ignore the show-biz razzamatazz and concentrate on the voice emanating from this nine years old child.  Sometimes, even for a perpetual old windbag like me, there are simply no words:

 More rumbles later on  . . .