The First Step Towards a Flat and Strong Stomach

Posted on the 06 January 2016 by Dave Nevue

When beginning rehabilitation phase of your postpartum belly you should start with the most gentle exercise. This is an exercise designed to reactivate your inner abdominal muscles through a method where you pull your bellybutton in towards your spine. You do this when you are sitting on chair, or stool, leaning your back against a wall. When pulling in you should start with the area below your bellybutton and continue with the rest of the belly. Pull in as much as you can. Hold the position for five seconds, rest a few seconds and repeat the exercise 6-10 times depending on your progress.

Doing this simple exercise often and repeatedly will help you find and reactivate your inner abdominal muscles and it is the first step towards healing and strengthening your post-pregnancy belly.

Learn more in my Post-Pregnancy Belly Guide where you will find a complete exercise program to recover your pre-pregnancy belly.

//Nicole Hellgren