The First Seeds

By The Garden Smallholder @gdnsmallholder

The year is rolling along so quickly, it’s hard to believe Christmas will be upon us next month. It’s been a strange year (for me) as far as gardening goes, with the kitchen garden being so new there hasn’t been much going on in the way of planting. Soft fruit bushes, rhubarb and herbs have been the main stars up until this point, but now I’m preparing to plant the very first vegetable seeds in our new kitchen garden. Autumn sow broad beans and garlic.

I’ve spent a good deal of time improving and clearing the soil in order to have areas ready for autumn sowing. Digging and sifting out large rocks and stones along with other debris such as rusty old nails, pieces of broken glass and other odd items is not my idea of fun, but a necessary and strangely satisfying job just the same. By adding plenty of nutrient-rich compost from the compost bins and vegetable-growing compost, I now have beds ready to plant. The chickens helped of course, their scratching action (and regular dust bathing) really helps to improve soil structure.

I’m looking forward to seeing the first green shoots appearing through the soil in the brand new veg beds.

Exciting stuff, I wonder if they’ll appear Christmas morning?

Filed under: Vegetable Garden Tagged: autumn sowing, broad beans, garlic, kitchen garden, starting a new veg garden, veg garden, what to plant in November, when to plant garlic