The Final Countdown: 25 Days…

By Theutterblog @utterlywow

Oh hello Uttersons, and hello May. Not a lot going on for me this month… oh wait, I’M ONLY GETTING BLOODY MARRIED!

Image via Tumblr

The regular readers amongst you may have spotted that there was no post last week. Sincere apologies; I was not ill, my computer didn’t break down, I didn’t forget… I simply didn’t get round to writing something. Time has just disappeared since the Hen Do To End All Hen Dos and, if I’m honest, I’m finding the whole thing a little mind boggling. The Wedding has always been ‘in the future’; a reachable and yet unreachable thing; a hill I’ve been climbing with no peak in sight. I had no idea that the Hen Do would end up being ‘the hill’, and that once that was done I’d start free falling towards the finish line…


And now here I am with a mere three and a half weeks to go until the day is here.  So what have I been getting up to??

Decisions, Decided

I have to say one of the most enjoyable aspects of wedding planning has been the procrastinating, the deliberating, the collecting of ideas. “Oh now that’s a pretty ceremony backdrop, I’ll add it to my Pinterest board”. “I bloody love this song, it’s going on the Potential Walking Down The Aisle Song list”.  But at some point the Pinterest boards and the lists have to come to an end and actual decisions have to be made.

There are people in this world (you may be one of them) who HATE procrastinating.  My friend and bridesmaid, Louise, is a perfect example. A super organised bride, she pretty much had everything done within months of getting engaged and was able to get on with her life whilst she waited for the day to come round. Me, on the other hand, I kinda like deliberating. I’m one of those people who wants EVERYTHING on the menu, starts panicking and yelling ‘Come back to me!’ at the waiter when he’s taking our order, does a frantic Eeany Meany Miney Mo game in my head to choose the dish I want, and then changes my mind just as he’s walking away before instantly regretting it.

The last couple of weeks have been full of decisions. Paperwork has had to be sent off and final orders have had to be made. I can now pretty much consider my vow choices, the ceremony backdrop, aisle decor, confetti colours, table arrangements, wedding program and menu design, DONE. I say ‘pretty much’ because there is, of course, still time to change my mind…

Playing with the table bits… it’s all coming together!

Budget? What budget?

The title says it all really. My much-loved and carefully adhered-to budget spreadsheet has gone to pot and my online shopping habit has gone in to meltdown.  A quick play with the calculator this morning puts me roughly on track still… but I’m no longer counting if I’m honest. Outside lighting, extra festoons, paper and printing, replacement shoes for the Miu-Whos, confetti, glassine bags, guestbook, pens, picture frames, votives, a cake topper…. when does it stop??!!

The Song That Says Everything

If there has been one thing that has been driving me absolutely round the bend though, it would be the ceremony music. Or specifically, the ‘processional’ and ‘recessional’ as they call it over in the States.

It’s not that I have a problem with coming up with song ideas; I love music and have been creating song lists in my head since day dot. My problem is my fiancé who doesn’t like an awful lot of music and is insistent that we have something a) wedding appropriate and b) devoid of emotion. Hmm, I’m afraid the two kinda go hand in hand, my love.

Genuine contenders to accompany me down the aisle have been:

Can’t Help Falling In Love With You by Ingrid Michaelson (the front runner for pretty much my entire engagement but deemed ‘too sad’ by both Paul and my Mum).

Promise This- a live lounge cover by Adele (the first minute is ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL but then I realised the lyrics were actually about death.)

Fast Car by Tracey Chapman- (such a rare treat for both me and Paul to love a song-and he actually has a fast car-  this was a strong contender for a couple of days, but again, it’s actually quite a sad sentiment with pretty inappropriate lyrics for a wedding.)

Here Comes The Sun- a George Harrison classic although I think I’d just use a guitar solo. (Aside from the fact I feel like I’m calling myself ‘the sun’, I have no affiliation or emotional connection with The Beatles. I can see why it’s a popular choice though- simple, sweet and not too soppy.)

In the end I don’t think I’m going with any of the above, although Here Comes The Sun is my emergency back-up. The song I’ve chosen is upbeat, sweet, romantic, and a little unexpected… but I’m keeping it to myself for now.  It’s a bit like choosing a wedding dress, you ask too many people and you get too many opinions.

I’ll share the ‘recessional’ with you though, mainly because I want to prove to Paul that not being familiar with a song does not make it, quote, ‘shit’. I hadn’t heard of it either, but saw that this couple walked out to it, liked their wedding and their style, liked the song title…. LOVED the song. If this doesn’t get the party started, I don’t know what will.

Turn it up, folks, and spend the next 5 minutes feeling happy.

And on that note I’ve got to love you and leave you.  So much to do and so little time. The schedule may go a little off kilter over the next couple of weeks but I will be in and out, and I hope you hang in there… we’re so close to the end!

Other brides-to-be, how are you lovely lot doing? Plans coming together and decisions being made? How long do you have left?? Would love to get chatting today so do say Hi…

Sama xxx

Filed under: Operation Amazing Wedding, Personal Ramblings Tagged: final countdown, processional, recessional, wedding music