Following the success of The Motherhood video, Fiat 500L has now come up with a new video, this time featuring a dad. The concept in this one is a little different from The Motherhood video, but the main concept is the same: coping with the loss of the identity we've spent so many years establishing, and giving in to the new identity of Mom and Dad. Also, there's a dancing unicorn, a Kate Bush-ian singer, a keyboard guitar, and a whole lot of other New Wave references. And the twin carrier, which I honestly didn't even know existed.
We didn't have that driving-to-get-the-baby-to-sleep issue with our first kid. Not really. Every once in a while we'd find ourselves with a baby who wouldn't sleep, and usually all it took was some rocking, some "Shhhhhh..." or the sound of running water, and we'd be back to sleep before we knew what happened.
The second kid, though... That was a different story. She's a tough one. I remember, one night, I even took a picture of the dashboard after I parked the car in the middle of nowhere. I titled the picture: " A series of bad decisions has led me to this point." Of course, what I meant were the bad parenting (and other) decisions that have led me to get to know every street and alley in my neighborhood at 3am, but I'm pretty sure some people thought I left home. Which was a little awkward.
So I can identify with this video. I can identify with being a former Rock God turned Dad, and I can identify with driving around and around in the middle of the night, until you're not sure who'll fall asleep first--you or your baby, and I can identify with having bad hair in the '80s. I had a rat tail in school. Because I was cool.
And I'll end with these timeless words from the video:
It's fine because I love youI will never trade your motherBut in future I'll be abstinentSo double up the wrapper