The Fashion Pulpit E-Swap

By Chaayen

I have previously posted on The Fashion Pulpit and have been swapping with them once more during post-partum. What happened last round was that I managed to de-stash a lot of clothes/ accessories and freed out so much cupboard space in my family home. To be honest, it was liberating. 

I had a great experience the previous round because I swapped out quality clothes which I actually wore. My spending for clothes fell. I felt like I did a part for the environment and my pocket and that brought me great joy

For this pregnancy, I didn't buy any new maternity clothes. Believe it or not, I swapped a size up before my pregnancy and half a size down after my pregnancy, I swapped for clothes that could fit my new "ugly figure". (Sorry but I don't subscribe to the love your new curves bullshit, am going to hit the gym and work them off once I can). And I felt happy again (without spending much) cos now I look good in my clothes again!
If you don't have time to hunt through the goodies, the e-swap is finally open. takes up a lot more points and premium points will not be credited back should you swap the piece back in. Personally I love their selection there and have spent most of my previously accumulated points there.
For Mummies who want to save a bit on wardrobe, here's a great place to get your fashion fix!