The Fall of Trump: A New Image of the Donald

By Humorinamerica @HumorInAmerica

Tracy Wuster

In September, I collected a rang of images of Donald Trump in " The Summer of Trump: Clown, Gasbag, Monster, Anti-PC Hero, and Other Images of THE DONALD." Like many people watching the spectacle of the presidential primary season, I felt that surely the Trump spectacle wouldn't last, something that Trump said would surely lead him to be a footnoted joke like Herman Cain, Michelle Bachman, or Rick Santorum. I was wrong.

On that post, I promised to keep up with the images, but my fatigue at all things Donald kicked in after an update or two. And, for the most part, the images were fairly consistent-clown, gasbag, misogynist, racist, etc., with the occasional pro-Donald cartoon coming in from the right-wing. As this cartoon shows, Trump's constant media presence and proclivity to shoot off his mouth surely keeps cartoonists busy.
The Fall of Trump: A New Image of the Donald

But over the course of the fall and into the winter, one image started to recur more and more-and image that seems to go beyond the normal confines of the relatively safe satire of political cartoons: the image of Donald Trump as a fascist.

Portraying Trump in relation to Nazi or general fascist imagery seems to me to be a step beyond how cartoonists portray tend to portray major political figures. A google image search for such images for Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and George W. Bush turn up only scattered images.

Especially after Trump's comments about banning Muslims from the U.S., images connected him with fascism were not scattered, they were prominent. Here are the images:

All images copyright of their creators.

Posted in: 2016, 2016 election, American humor, assault of laughter, controversial humor, Current Events, Donald Trump humor, editorial cartoon, Internet Humor, Laughing to Keep from Crying, political cartoons, Political Humor, presidential election, satire, Visual Humor