The Fairytale Hairdresser and the Little Mermaid (book Review & Competition)

By Evette Garside @evette77

This is our latest book to review. It's a love fairytale story with a modern day twist.

Kittie Lacey is the best hairdresser in town and is also best friends with mermaid Coral. The mermaid has a beautiful singing voice but longs to be human and one day goes to see the wicked sea witch who gives her legs but takes both her voice and tail. Coral becomes unhappy being a human who cannot sing or speak and longs for her tail and voice back. With the help of friend Kittie they go to steal back Corals voice. Of course with any fairytale there is even a happy ever after love story too.

The book is by author Abie Longstaff and the beautiful illustrations by Lauren Beard. Each page is full of modern day images and colour.

It's a lovely little story and Izebella seems to have claimed this book for herself despite not being able to read yet, tho not a problem when she can ask mummy to read it over and over all day.

The book is published by Random House Children's publishers and will be in the shops on May 7th for approximately £6.99. It's available for pre order on Amazon now for £5.24.

There is one copy of this fantastic little book up for grabs. The entry rules are simple. Just make sure you live in the UK.

Ends May 11th 2015