The Face Shop Real Nature Rice Face Mask Sheet Review

By Anshulika

If you follow me on Instagram , you must have seen that I posted a picture of these cute, affordable mask sheets from the Korean cosmetics brand, The Face Shop. The brand sells many different skincare, makeup and body products. I'd heard of the brand before but I never happened to try any of their products.

So recently, when I spotted this offer at MyNykaa about buying 7 Masksheets and getting 7 Masksheets in free (#MaskADay), I bought them in a bunch of full 14! Partly, because the offer was lucrative but mainly because I really, really wanted to know what make these sheet masks so wildly popular among the celebs and the beauty bloggers?

But before that, if you still don't know about the recent face sheet mask trend that's raging the beauty world, here are some basics:

What are face sheet masks?

The phenomenon has its roots in South Korea, which is world renowned as the Mecca of skincare. Now these sheet masks are a piece of paper, cotton, silk, or gel saturated with hydrating, nourishing and brightening ingredients. With cut-outs for eyes, nose, and mouth, the look is indeed phantom-like but the results are promising and glorious.

How to use a face sheet mask?

All you need to do is just rip open a pack, unfold the mask and spread it over your face. Relax for 10 minutes and viola - your skin looks superb, like you just got a facial done!

How are face mask sheets different from traditional clay or cream masks?

One of the major difference between a traditional clay or cream based mask is the element of blocking or sealing. The sheet mask creates a seal on your skin, thereby preventing any of the mask's essential ingredients from evaporating and helping in quick & complete absorption of skin care components deep into the skin.

Second thing is, unlike the deep cleansing clay masks that require a thorough rinse or clean up afterwards, sheet masks are mainly hydrating, nourishing and protecting to the skin with no need for post application clean up.

Are they really worth the hype?

Well as per me, the main reason behind their sudden surge in popularity is that they provide an instant quick fix to the problem of dull and lifeless skin, all the while being affordable, simple, easy to-use and travel friendly. But do they really yield promising results? Well, read my first-hand experience of using a Korean face mask sheet and discover.

Describe the brand in three words:

Superior-quality. Affordable. Korean.

Product overview:

A mask sheet that mildly calms sensitive skin with natural rice essence. Rice water is widely used in Japanese, Korean, and many other Asian skincare products as a brightening ingredient. It is safe, natural and effective. The Real Nature Rice Face Mask by Face Shop is saturated rich rice extracts, with soothing properties to transform your skin. The mask will leave your dull and dehydrated skin looking totally refreshed, soft, smooth and radiant.

  • Contains one single-use face mask.
  • This product is dermatologically tested.
  • Created to give you a gorgeous Korean beauty experience.

INR 100 for 20 gm

Best suited/who is it for?

The product is suitable for all skin types, especially dull, dry, dehydrated, and sensitive skin tones.

My experience with The Face Shop Real Nature Rice Face Mask Sheet

Almost after every flight or road trip I've taken, I've landed or reached my destination with a sallow complexion. Any kind of travel, be it trains, planes or the automobiles, leave you with dull and lifeless complexion. Whether you took your pre-travel facial or not, you cannot escape the weary traveler's look.

I accepted this as a fact of life. But after coming across numerous selfies of models and actresses putting on face sheet masks on their flights, I got intrigued. And when hubby too suggested me to keep that sheet mask with me, while I was auditioning different beauty products to carry along for a recent weekend getaway trip to the hills, I decided to give it a try.

Since my skin tends to get more on the drier and duller side while travelling, I went with the Real Nature Rice Face Mask Sheet from The Face Shop because it both brightens and hydrates the skin. As soon as I reached my hotel room, I made sure to wash my face first to remove all makeup, dust and debris from the face.

I then ripped open the shiny foil pack from my vanity, made a cup a coffee, spread the sheet mask on my tired looking skin and sat outside relaxing in the balcony, sipping coffee, all the while enjoying a great sunset - 15 minutes later - poof! - no more dull skin!

It was super relaxing and the results were incredible. My face looked instantly refreshed and bright. Pores appeared tighter and skin felt wonderfully soft and moisturized. There was no trace of dullness, fatigue or weariness from the travel.

Even though a bit slimy to apply, the mask didn't leave much residue on my skin. I quickly massaged the little bit remaining serum back into my skin using my finger tips and I was left with totally smooth, visibly radiant skin. Besides the mask, there was also some extra serum in the pack and I used that to moisturize my neck and chest.

Here's my pic from the dinner time after using the mask:

What's good about it?
  • Highly affordable
  • Travel-friendly
  • Super easy to use
  • Gives instant results
  • Leaves skin looking visibly refreshed and bright
  • Nourishing and hydrating to the skin
What's not so good about it?
  • Contains silicones
  • Feels slightly sticky and slimy on the skin
  • Would not completely fade away dark spots or severely hyper-pigmented skin in a single time use

R2B Rating: 4.5/5

Overall take:

On the whole if at the cost of only $ 2, in just 15 minutes and with no clean up required, you can dramatically reduce the size of your pores, fade dark spots, soften fine lines and brighten up your whole face, these Korean real nature face mask sheets from The Face Shop are truly a dream come true! Must-try girls!