...just look at that face!!!
Click the photo for a closer look!
Temperatures this week:
Lowest Min 4.6C
Highest Max 34.7C
No Recorded Rainfall
Planted out:
Home Saved Bismark Potato tubers in Bed 5 MVG
Seed Saving:
Beans Tongues of Fire
Chamomile German
Layered some Myoporum parvifolium "Pink form" that is overgrowing it's pot.
Next Week To Do:
Clean up and rebuild the Drying Rack
Harvest all Black Sultana Grapes to dry
Pot up Silverbeet and Ethiopian Cabbage seedlings
Tidy/clear out propagation tables and shade house
Harvest Tally:
Doesn't include Greens fed to the chooks on a daily basis or herbs picked for use in the kitchen for cooking or tea making.
Beans Purple King 79g
Carrots Mixed 214g
Cucumber Suyo Long 841g
Leeks Bulgarian Giant 122g
Rockmelon Hearts Of Gold 585g
Squash Acorn Table Queen 818g
Tomato Money Maker 799g
Tomato Stor Gul 42g
Grapes Black Sultana 2416g
Pear William 552g
Plum (Tree 2) 849g
Eggs: Total 22 for week:
15 From the 5 Farmyard Ferals
0 From the Lone Barnevelder
7 From the 4 Faverolles
brought back memories
of my early gardening days in the 70s.
This was one of the first vegetables I grew.
the cooler summer this year and is thriving.
they are only small but are starting to color up.
made it's home in the wicking pot
with the Chinese Artichokes.
Both seem to be thriving and the tomato is setting fruit.
To see how the various Garden areas fit on our half acre block check out the newest Map of our place HERE