The Face Behind Lady GaGa

Posted on the 14 November 2013 by Abolishconfusion @ac_mag

If you caught last nights Lady GaGa Culture Show special you are probably bemused as me (if you missed it you can catch up here). Unless you have been hibernating you'll be aware that the New York pop icon has a new album, ARTPOP, her third. This promotional campaign has been running for months, the hype leading up to the release has been relentless, it make Daft Punk's promo for RAM seem subtle in comparison. 

I want like GaGa, she was brilliant when I saw her at the Roundhouse in September when she appeared stripped back, ditching the many characters that disguise Stefani Germanotta, it was far more interesting, captivating than the over-the-top costumes and wigs that she hides behind. 

I've only listened to ARTPOP a couple of times but it hasn't struck me the way that it should have. There's some brilliant moments on it but not enough for it to be labelled revolutionary, it doesn't reinvent the pop wheel, nor does it validate the hype and build up that was fed to us by the ladle load. 

On a good day Lady GaGa interviews like a slightly kooky 27 year old, clever, witty and charming, Graham Norton got that GaGa when she recently appeared on his chat show, unfortunately for Miranda Sawyer she got the pretentious, awkward and frustrating GaGa who came across like a nightmare interviewee, freezing mid-sentence to show who was in charge and she spent the hole time referencing artist who are no way relevant to the music that she makes. Sawyer questioned her on reference points that feature on ARTPOP who range from mainstream to avant garde, she claimed that she felt it was her duty to bring true artists to her fans but, I could be wrong here, I don't imagine many 16 year old pop fans go through her lyrics then Wikipedia the names and become engrossed in crazy directors and photographers. Then she went on to moan about the music industry, my biggest pet peeve  I hate when any musician does this, you have two choices, sign a record deal, or don't sign a record deal. If you want a career doing something you love, lucky enough to have the chance to earn lots of money, perform to thousands of people who adore you then you've got to play the game and put up with the shit bits too!

During the interview GaGa explained her regular 'leaving a hotel, getting into a car' performance which is well orchestrated as paparazzi's and fans alike are informed about her schedule. The singer said she uses the opportunity to get close to her fans but she doesn't actually go to the kids who've been waiting outside in the cold for hours, instead she strikes some poses in her wacky outfit for the gossip pages before heading for the car door or hotel lobby. It's great PR as she comes across as this careering megastar who makes time for her fans but in reality it is a brilliant marketing ploy. You can't knock GaGa for her achievements, she's extremely clever with her image and how she portrays herself, never letting Stefani out in the public, and I guess that is why she is so interesting but sometimes it is frustrating, cringeworthy and annoying. 

She is clearly a talented song writer so why mask them with headlines or weird behaviour?
Her pro drug stance is baffling and she plays the same shock tactics that were used on her arrival, which we've become accustomed to, making them no longer attention grabbing, and she is losing out to Miley Cyrus' bum shaking dance moves when it comes to column inches and front pages.
 Lady GaGa is yet to produce a strong album, her tours receive mixed reviews as drama takes center stage from the music and it won't be long until her behavior and 'I'm so wacky, i'm so crazy' clothes wear thin.

Three albums in and she is just as confusing. Have we ever seen the 'real' Stefani or has she always been locked away from the public? How can one persons characteristics change so drastically interview to interview, is this done consciously?

Stick to the songwriting love and you'll be alright. I still can't work out if I find her interesting or irritating.