The border was firstly the Dahlia Border. I mused about it as being a riot of color. It never quite got there in reality. it was less of a riot more of a mild disturbance. Some years it did better than others, but generally it was always short of the mark. The border is perfect for growing dahlias as it is probably the sunniest and best drained area of my clay garden. This border, unlike most in my garden, does not contain any roses. Every now and again I get tempted to just pop one in, but so far my discipline has been good.
Some years pass and the tree lupin takes up residence. The border is now rightly renamed in its honor as it is a fantastic plant. Then there followed a large Phyllostachys nigra which has grown really well. Every year I planted dahlias into it and it has bumbled along fairly happily.
Last year I went to Great Dixter for a course on exotic planting. This made a huge impression on me as did other visits at that weekend and in particular my visit to Ulting Wick which gave me huge food for thought.
Am I happy with it? Almost, it has not been too bad for a first year. It is, in truth, just short of the mark. Will it better next year? I hope so!
I've enjoyed appraising this border so I think the others in the garden might be due a consideration as well. I shall return to this theme soon.