The Europeans Are Not to Be Trusted... Obviously

Posted on the 17 December 2014 by Mikelumish @IsraelThrives
Michael L.
Times of Israel staff writes:
The Palestinian Islamic group Hamas must be removed from the EU’s terrorism blacklist, but its assets will stay frozen, a European court ruled on Wednesday.
The move, described by the European Union as a technicality, quickly drew Israeli condemnation and praise from the Gaza-based organization.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called on the EU to return the group to the terror list, saying Israel was “not satisfied with EU’s explanations that taking Hamas off the terror list is a ‘technical matter.'”
“The burden of proof falls on the EU, and we expect it to permanently return Hamas to the list, so everyone will understand that it is an inseparable part of it — Hamas is a murderous terror organization that emphasizes in its charter that its goal is to destroy Israel,” he said in a statement.
Netanyahu is full of mierda. 

The problem is not just that the Hamas charter, and the hearts of hundreds of millions of Arabs, want to see Israel gone, but that it calls quite specifically for the genocide of the Jewish people.  Calling for the genocide of the Jews is apparently not quite enough for the Europeans to consider Hamas a terrorist organization.
Perhaps if they called for the genocide of the Jews twice, that might be sufficient.
Or it could be that if Hamas called for the genocide of the Jews and they really, really meant it that might be sufficient to convince the Europeans that Hamas really, really is a terrorist organization.
What the powers that be across the globe are telling us is this:
They do not care.
We need to absorb this truth, integrate it, and understand it.
They honestly do not care if we live or die.  If you believe that the American government, or the Australian government, or the Canadian government, or any of the European governments, give a damn about the well-being of the Jewish people, you should very definitely think again.
The Jews can only count on themselves... and even that is not true most of the time.