The Entire Weekend in Exactly 4.7 Seconds

By Marensmorsels @marentweets

Hey guys! The weather was insane on Saturday! It was 90 degrees. That’s unheard of in salinas in the middle of summer let alone in the middle of April. CRAZY!

I kept super duper busy all weekend playing in the sun that I just sat down and realized I didn’t blog at all this weekend! oh the virtual horror.

Here it is my week in 4.7 seconds flat.


I drank a Big Gulp. The heat wave was starting.


I’m house sitting my best friend Ace all this weekend. Saturday morning I woke up bright and early to hit the gym. I did 45mins on the elliptical thingy and then took Ace for an uber long walk.

Then we took the top off the jeep for the very first time ever!

I leave all the heavy lifting to the guys obviously. There was some problem with a wire-thingy that had the red tabby thingy broken off so it wouldn’t come apart or something like that.

This is why we have boys.

Anhh it’s coming off! I try to make sure I look helpful to all of you looking at the pictures after the fact. But in the moment you’d know I did absolutely nothing and I’m not taking any of the weight at all.

But then I get to do all the playing. I was like a 6 year old on a jungle gym! It was definitely my finest moment EVER!

After getting the top off I had to take it for a major ride around town so my brother and I went and picked up Ace. What dog wouldn’t absolutely love riding in a topless jeep?!?!

He kept sneezing, I think, from bugs getting up his nose…

And this is what happens when you take the top off your jeep but have to drive it in the night time…



I actually ate breakfast! Cinnamon raisin toast with some dairy free margarine and a sprinkle cinnamon on top.

Hazelnut and French vanilla coffee mixed together for a mug of Maren’s Coffee Mix of Awesome!

Finality lunch at BJ’s Brewhouse. I has the seared ahi salad!