The End of Racism in America

Posted on the 20 August 2015 by Calvinthedog

White racism towards Blacks has been heading out in the past 40 years.

As you can see, White racism towards Blacks in all the important ways has been heading out over the past 40 years. 3 of the 4 questions are now down below 10%, so low that apparently the questions are not even being asked anymore. The only question that was still significant and therefore queried was  Homesellers can discriminate against Blacks. Unfortunately, 30% of Whites still agree with that, but incredibly enough, a majority of Whites supported that view in 1975, which I do not remember as a particularly racist era.

It is because real racism is collapsing in the US (something liberals and antiracists should take credit for), the antiracist movement has had to become increasingly insane to explain continued Black lagging and dysfunction. They have had to invent new forms of racism that are apparently so hard to measure that they appear to actually be invisible, such as “structural racism” and “institutional racism.”

Of course there is no way to measure such things or even honestly to prove they even exist, so those words mean whatever Antiracist Identity Politics says they do, and their level is exactly whatever increasingly crazy antis say it is. I don’t think the argument is even falsifiable, so it’s probably not even wrong, and it also seems a bit circular. How do we know Blacks suffer from institutional racism? Because it exists? How do we know institutional racism exists? Because Blacks suffer from it. Nice, tight little tautology there.